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Social Impact

The sustainable development goals provide Hortinet a powerful framework to engage in social responsibility.

We use gravity-fed irrigation systems to improve water usage and reduce fuel use. This approach builds a sustainable agricultural value by avoiding commonly high post-harvest losses and reducing input costs.

We believe social responsibility and commercial interests go hand in hand and that they are strongly intertwined. This is why the core philosophy of our business is based on an Eco-Inclusive model

Using our Eco-Include business model we are creating market opportunities for smallholder horticulture farmers in Malawi and are working to reach 5,000 farmers, 70% of which will be women, and improve their incomes by 75%.

Impacts of our Eco-Inclusive Model

  • Creating new market opportunities and increased income for mainly female smallholder horticulture farmers.
  • Supporting young entrepreneurs involved in the collection process
  • Increasing sustainable water usage.
  • Reducing fuel use and carbon emissions through gravity-fed irrigation systems.
  • Mitigating the effects of climate change by sharing conservation agriculture practices.
  • Creating more employment opportunities for youth and women.
  • Stimulating the local economy with agricultural products to substitute imported fresh produce
  • Reducing consumer expenditures on fruit and vegetables by up to 30%.